About This Website

This fan site has been dedicated to the lovely Paris Hilton for many years. It is a personal site and is only intended for informational purposes. Unfortunately Paris is so active that I cannot keep up with everything she does so this is a small site.

On some of the pages I am providing links to articles on other sites that may have nothing to do with Paris. I hope you don't mind. I just think they are interesting and I thought if I kept them separate from the Paris pages that would be okay.

In any event I have updated the pictures of Paris and I think this new gallery is much more interesting than the old set of pictures I used to have on this site. I hope you like them.

No infringement is intended and all intellectual rights remain the properties of their respective owners.

This page is Copyright © Eyes on You: A Paris Hilton Fan Site. All Rights Reserved. This Website is a personal, amateur Website and is not affiliated with Paris Hilton in any away.